Originally from Mumbai and raised in Dubai, my diverse cultural background has greatly influenced how I craft stories, allowing me to create visuals that resonate with audiences and evoke lasting emotions. As I grew up, I developed a deep passion for what unfolds in front of the camera and knew I wanted to be part of the creative process behind it. 

I am a camera operator/AC, cinematographer, and gaffer currently based in Paris, France. With expertise in both 2D/3D animation and live-action film, I combine these skills to create visually compelling stories. My experience includes narrative films, commercials, broadcast, animation, motion graphics, and social media, which allows me to be highly versatile and bring out the best in both myself and those I collaborate with. My background and experiences have deeply influenced my work, sharpening my perception of life’s details and fueling my curiosity to push the boundaries of visual storytelling. I’m dedicated to continuously learning from the world and my peers, always striving to grow and refine my craft.

In a world full of Roger Deakins's, I aim to be a Robby Müller.